Fred Biffar & Co., Chicago, Ill.
Chamberlin Cartridge & Target Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Davis-Warner Gun Co., Norwich, Conn.
Du Pont de Nemours & Co., E. I., Wilmington, Delaware
Eley Bros. Ltd., London, Eng.
Folsom Arms Co., H. & D., New York.
Hanscom Hardware. Company, Haverhill, Mass.
Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Delaware
Kennedy Bros. Arms Co., St. Paul, MN
Kirtland Bros. & Co., Inc., New York.
Kynoch Ltd., London. England
Leacock Sporting- Goods Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Remington, U. S., and Winchester Distributors.
Peters Cartridge Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. The (P) Brand.
Remington Arms Co., New York.
U. M. C.
Savage Arms Corp., Utica, N. Y.
Schoverling, Daly & Gales, New York.
Supplee-Biddle Hardware Co., Philadelphia.
Tryon Company, Edw. K, Philadelphia Penn.
Von Lengerke & Detmold, New York.
United States Cartridge Co., New York
Western Cartridge Co. East Alton, Ill.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn.
Guns, Alarm:
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia. Pa
Guns, Automatic:
Browning Bros. Co., Ogden, Utah.
Remington Arms Co., New York.
Standard Arms Co., Wilmington, Del.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia. Pa
Webley & Scott, Ltd., Birmingham, England.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn.
Guns, Automatic Machine:
Bethlehem Steel Co., South Bethlehem, Pa.
Colt's Patent Firearms Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn.
Savage Arms Corp., Utica, N. Y.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia. Pa.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn.
Guns, Double Hammer:
Adolph, Fred, Genoa, N. Y.
Anson & Co., E. Birmingham, Eng.
Biffar & Co., Fred, Chicago, 111.
Crescent Fire Arms Co., Norwich, Conn.
Davis- Warner Gun Co., Norwich, Conn.
Folsom Arms Co., H. & D., New York.
Fox Guni Co., A. H., Philadelphia, Pa.
Hanscom Hardware Co., Haverhill. Mass.
Harrington & Richardson Arms Co., Worcester, Mass.
Hunter Arms Co., Fulton, N. Y.
Ithaca Gun Co., Ithaca, N. Y.
Johnson's Arms & Cycle Works, Iver, Fitchburg, Mass.
Kirtland Bros. & Co., New York. "Davis Guns."
Marson & Co., Samuel, Birmingham, England.
Parker Bros., Meriden. Conn.
Schoverlingr, Daly & Gales, New York.
Stevens Arms Co., J., Chicopee Falls Mass.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia, Pa.
Von Lengerke & Detmold, New York.
Webley & Scott, Ltd., Birmingham. England.
Wesley, Richards & Co., Ltd., Birmingham, Eng.
Adolph, Fred, Genoa, N. Y.
Baker Gun Co., Norwich, Conn.
Bourne & Son, Joseph, Birmingham. England.
Davis- Warner Gun Co. Norwich, Conn.
Folsom Arms Co., H. & D. New York.
Fox Gun Co., A. H. Philadelphia. Pa.
Hopkins & Allen Arms Co., Norwich. Ct.
Hunter Arms Co., Fulton, N. Y,
Ithaca Gun Co., Ithaca, N. Y.
Iver Johnson's Arms & Cycle Works, Fitchburg, Mass.
Lefever Arms Co., Ithaca, N. Y.
Royal Gun Co., Wheeling. W. Va.
Parker Bros., Meriden, Conn.
Schoverling, Daly & Gales, New York.
Agents for Sauer & Son Hammerless—
Neuman Bros., Belgian Hammer.
Stevens Arms Co., J., Chicopee Falls, Mass.
Tobin Arms Mfg. Co., Ltd., Woodstock, Ont.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia, Pa.
Wards & Sons. Birmingham. Eng.
Watson, Rowland, Birmingham, Eng.
Von Lengerke & Detmold, New York.
Webley & Scott, Ltd., Birmingham, England.
Guns, Four Barrel:
Adolph, Fred. Genoa, N. V.
Lancaster & Co., Ltd., Charles, London. Eng.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia, Pa
Guns, Game Getter:
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co., Gladstone Mich.
Guns, Goose:
Crescent Firearms Co., Norwich, Conn.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia, Pa
Guns, Machine:
Colt's Patent Fire Arms Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn.
Savage Arms Corp., Utica, N. Y.
R.F. Sedgley, Philadelphia, Pa.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia Pa.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn.
Wisconsin Machine Gun Co., Milwaukee. Wis.
Guns, Old and Parts:
Bannerman, Francis, New York.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia. Pa.
Guns, Repeating Shot:
Browning Bros. Co., Ogden, Utah.
Remington Arms Co., New York.
Stevens Arms Co., J., Chicopee Falls, Mass.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia. Pa
Union Firearms Co., Toledo, O.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co. New Haven, Conn.
Guns, Rifle and Shot:
Adolph, Fred, Genoa. N. Y.
Johnson's Arms & Cycle Works, Iver, Fitchburg, Mass.
Schoverling. Daly & Gales, New York."
Stevens Arms Co., J., Chicopee Falls. Mass.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia. Pa.
Von Lengerke & Detmold, New York.
Guns, Single Shot:
Cogswell & Harrison, Ltd. London. England.
Davis-Warner Gun Co. Norwich. Conn.
Folsom Arms Co., H. & D. New York.
Fox Gun Co., A. H., Philadelphia. Pa.
Harrington & Richardson Arms Co. Worcester, Mass.
Johnson's Arm & Cycle Works. Iver, Fitchburg, Mass.
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co., Gladstone, Mich.
Parker Bros. Meriden, Conn.
Schoverling, Daly & Gales, New York.
J. Stevens Arms Company, Chicopee Falls, Mass.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia. Pa.
Von Lengerke & Detmold, New York
Webley & Scott, Birmingham, Eng.
![]() |
Lyman Gun Sights Vintage 1920 Ad |
Guns, Single Trigger:
Fox Gun Co., A. H., Philadelphia, Pa.
Hunter Arms Co., Fulton, N. Y.
Guns, Small Bore, Double:
Harrington & Richardson Arms Co., Worcester, Mass.
Guns, Three-Barrel:
Adolph, Fred, Genoa, N. Y.
Royal Gun Co., Wheeling, W. Va.
Schoverling, Daly & Gales, New York.
Three Barrel Gun Co., Moundsville, W. VA.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia Pa.
Von Lengerke & Detmold, New York.
Cutlery, Pocket:
Abercrombie & Fitch Co., New York.
American Knife & Shear Co., Hotchkiss Ville, Conn.
Boker Cutlery & Hdw. Co., Inc., New York N. Y.
Fred Biffar & Co., Chicago, 111.
Borgfeldt & Co., New York, N. Y.
The Ralph Brown Co., San Francisco, Calif.
Camillus Cutlery Co., Camillus, N. Y.
Cattaraugus Cutlery Co., Little Valley N. Y.
Challenge Cutlery Corp., Bridgeport, Conn.
Chatillon & Sons, Inc., New York
Cronk & Carrier Mfg. Co., Elmira. N. Y.
Divine & Sons, Dwight, Ellenville, N. Y.
Empire Knife Co., Winsted, Ct.
Field & Co., Alfred, New York, N. Y.
Hollingsworth Knife Co., Kane, Pa.
Miller Bros. Cutlery Co., Meriden, Conn.
New York Knife Co., Walden, N. Y.
Northfield Knife Co., Northfield. Conn.
Numason & Beckley Mfg. Co., New Britain, Conn.
Portland Cutlery & Barber Supply Co. Portland, Ore.
Remington Arms Co., New York.
Robeson Cutlery Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia, Pa.
Walden Knife Co. Walden, N. Y.
Graeff & Schmidt. New York, N. Y.
Kastor & Bro., A., New York, N. Y.
Tryon Co., Edw. K. Philadelphia, Pa
Knives, Bowie:
Boker & Co., Herman, New York.
Field & Co., Alfred, New York.
Kastor & Bros., A., New York.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia, Pa
Wiebush & Hilger Co., New York.
Brush: Knives,
Abercrombie & Fitch Co., New York.
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co., Gladstone, Mich.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia, Pa
Knives, Camp Carving:
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co., Gladstone, Mich.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia^ Pa.
Knives, Canoe:
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co., Gladstone Mich.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia, Pa.
Knives, Fish:
Baker, Murray & Im' rie. New Yorh.
Chatillon & Sons, John, New York.
Clyde Cutlery Co., Clyde, O.
Frost & Co., H. J., New York, N. Y.
Horrocks-Ibbotson Co., Utica, N. Y.
Kastor & Bros., A., New York.
Lamson & Goodnauer Mfg. Co., Shelbume Falls, Mass.
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co., Gladstone, Mich.
Mills & Son, Wm.. New York.
Shakespeare Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.
South Bend Bait Co., South Bend, Ind.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia Pa
Whittemore & Co., H. A., Boston, Mass.
Knives, Hunting:
Baker, Murray & Imbrie. New York.
Billings & Spencer Co., Hartford, Ct.
Boker & Co., Herman, New York.
Brilliant Searchlight Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111.
Channon Co., H., Chicago, 111
Divine & Sons, Divicht, Ellenville, N. Y.
Empire Knife Co., Winsted, Conn.
Field & Co., Alfred, New York.
Kastor & Bros., A., New York.
Landers, Frary & Clark, New Britain Conn.
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co.. Gladstone, Mich.
Mills & Son, Wm., New York.
Northfleld Knife Co., Northfleld, Ct.
Russell Cutlery Co., Jno., Turners Falls, Mass,
Shakespeare Co., Kalamazoo. Mich.
Smith & Hemenway Co., New York.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia, Pa.
Wiebush & Hllger Co., New York.
Wilkinson Shear & Cutlery Co., Reading, Pa.
Knives, Safety Pocket:
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co., Gladstone, Mich.
Shakespeare Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.
Tryon Co., Edw. K.. Philadelphia, Pa
Knives, Skinning:
Clyde Cutlery Co., Clyde, O.
Goodell Co., Antrim, N. H.
Landers, Frary & Clark, New Britain, Conn.
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co., Gladstone, Mich.

Northampton Cutlery Co., Northampton, Mass.
Ontario Knife Co., Frankllfivllle, N.. Y.
Russell Cutlery Co., Inc., Turners Falls, Mass.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia, Pa.
Knives, Scout:
Empire Knife Co., Winsted, Conn.
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co., Gladstone, Mich.
Knives, Sportsmen's:
Baker, Murray & Imbrie, New York.
Billings & Spencer Co., Ha tf'^rd. Conn.
Clyde Cutlery Co., Clyde, 0.
Divine & Sons, Dwight, Ellenville. N. Y.
Empire Knife Co., Winsted. Conn.
Field & Co., Alfred. New York.
Goodell Co., Antrim, N. H.
Marble Arms & Mfg. Co., Gladstone, Mich.
Mills & Son, Wm., New York.
Northfleld Knife Co., Northfleld, Conn.
Shakespeare Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.
Tryon Co., Edw. K., Philadelphia, Pa.